The Emoticoncert® is a spectacular and versatile production using 3D emoticons.
The holographic emoticon projections interact with both musicians and actors alike during the performance.
Who is it for?
The Emoticoncert® can be used for family concerts and educational performances to stimulate greater interaction with the audience. The emoticon also provides a relatable “buddy” to help guide younger audiences through the musical and emotional journey of the production.
Your Production
EmotiConcert® is fully programmable and can be used for all kinds of performances.
Ten different emotions and just as many special effects, give an enormous range with which numerous storylines can be told.
There is a “sing-along” karaoke function. This enables the emoticon to guide audiences through songs of your choice.
The Orchestral Laboratory
In collaboration with the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra, Sonolux has developed a production called ‘The Orchestral Laboratory’.
Targeting a 6+ audience, this concert tells the story of the encounter between hapless Professor Edmund and the curious creature ‘Oo’.
Together they go on a journey of discovery finding and feeling the different emotions in music. But of course not everything goes as planned…..
Using core repertoire from the classical music canon, it’s an educational interactive and comedic production for schools and families.
Successfully tried and tested, the ready to go production has a script, repertoire and established 3D visual technique.